Classical Modern Bronze Sculpture

Beatrice Hoffman creates  stylised abstract and figurative sculptures, using clay and plasticine,  cast in bronze or bronze resin.

Her sculpture add refinement and beauty to homes , inside and outside, and appeal to interior and garden architects.

Commissioned to create bespoke pieces, from small-scale private collections to a large hospital entrance centre-piece, Beatrice has exhibited widely throughout the UK and across Europe,  and sold worldwide. Her bronze resin sculptures appear in publications to high acclaim.

2024 Exhibitions & Galleries

Studio and Garden Visit

VISIT the Sculpture Studio and Garden If you are interested in one of my sculptures , but prefer to see them in life rather than flatly on a screen, you [...]

Walking forwards


« Small Embrace (2) »35cm high, soon to be enlarged for a garden sculpture
Sculpture “Walking Forwards” is a public commission  installed beside the main entrance of Northampton Hospital, with the brief of a welcoming, affectionate sculpture. It reflects the care and dedication that goes on inside a hospital, and adds warmth and human drama to a what may otherwise feel like a foreboding place.

This sculpture describes a caring and supportive relationship, the kind of human contact we are dependent on for our well-being .Thus the  dynamic two figures express the strong bonds of friendship, empathy and solidarity, and the commitment and energy necessary for helping or enabling someone else.J ust like in a three-legged race, these two figures are mutually dependent  have to collaborate, and devote themselves to the same purpose. In order to express this universal theme, the figures are highly abstracted, with no clear gender.

The back figure appears protective of the the front figure, with a cloak-like body, reminiscent of an angel , and the back foot only lightly touching the ground. The front figure appears strong, filled up into great round volumes, and striding purposefully into the future.
The two figures have no clear gender, and their anatomy is abstracted into planes and and convex surfaces, surrounding the central hole that they share. They are partly separate, partly fused, to described the two elements of a good human relationship: independence and empathy. They are similar in appearance to signify that their roles are interchangeable; and their faces blank to describe the universal theme, that play out in our individual lives.
“Squatting 2(2)”2024
24 x 20 x 18 cm 
This woman appears in proud possession of her body , fully inhabiting and looking after her very own patch in this life – her body!  Bronze Resin, available , Edition of 25, £1550
Bronze on commission, Edition of 9, £5500
“Couple Side by Side” (2) 2024

Bronze Resin  30 x 27 x 7cm –

Bronze Resin Edition of 95 £1650

Bronze Edition of 9 £ £5 500

This witty and warm sculpture  of  a man and woman expresses the strength derived from each other when facing life together. They are  not tenderly involved with each other.  Instead  these people face life square on, helping each other  through life’s hurdles and challenges. They  trust each other without many words, and  thus are able to rely on each other .

This bronze resin sculpture has  often been considered a suitable, humorous  and tender wedding present.
Covering with clay the polystyrene enlargement of the small maquette „Sisters”, commissioned by a couple marking and celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, and the three lovely daughters that sprang from that marriage. Thank you, Piotr @sculpturegargas  for creating the enlargement!!
The Polysterene enlargement of my little clay version “ Three Sisters” has arrived, thanks to @sculpturegargas ! Now there work ahead of me, covering the Polysterene with clay and improving the sculpture!
Still reworking my «Primitive Woman » though thoroughly looking forward to completion day!
Delivering sculptures to @sculpturebythelakes In Dorset
“First Woman”, Bronze Resin  87 x 32 x 26cm – £2950

Based on ancient sculptures of European Mother Goddesses, this figure is so abstract that it becomes a symbol. Thus, she embodies strength, pro-creation, and the nurturing body from which incessant forms of life emerge.

Parts of the body inessential for procreation have been made smaller, of  left away altogether:  for instance the head, the feet, the arms and hands. Yet the middle area of the body – the womb, the hips, the stomach are increased in size and importance.

The theme is fecundity both literally and as a symbol of  other forms of creativity.
“Buddha (2)”. This sculpture was inspired by a sculpture I discovered in “Eastern section” of the British Museum: an over-life size Buddha Head from India. I tried to recapture its sense of inwardness, focus and simplicity. There is an inner wealth which is emptiness, potential, or space.

He physically tastes or listens to this inner experience. The sculpture evokes peace, pure awareness and attention without object, a break in the mental struggle and duality.

There is strength in the posture, even if her head is bent down. This is not defence, retreat or low self esteem: he stands in the middle of life. but he stops in his tracks, which indicates: what happens in external life is not quite as important and worrying as it appears.

Sculpture Workshops

Since 1990 I have taught ceramic sculpture. My idyllic studio and garden is in the village of Garford, Oxfordshire.