Sun and Moon 2003
Bronze Resin 68 X 36 x 50cm – £ 2950
This is a figurative sculpture about man and woman within one soul. The sun on the right represents the woman, the slither of a moon on the left the man.For this sculpture, I used the mythical language of fairy tales, yet years after its creation I became aware that it embodied the memory of a real life couple. She is all vitality and radiance, he appears more austere and thin, feeding off and mirroring her energy. The lines flowing upwards from nose, eyebrow and cheek form a repetitive pattern that gives energy, and integrates man and woman into one sculpture.
With Sun and Moon, relationship is not yet developed. Instead of man and woman, there is the internal balance within each one of us between male and female. The image derives from fairy tales and myths that tell of celestial constellations. In distinction to most European archetypes, the man on the left is the moon and he looks rather ascetic, while the sun-woman on the right dominates with her round forms. I wanted to use these contrasts, and take the challenge to unite them in one form.